Main features
The bitumen-polymer emulsion can be used for virtually any insulation work.
A completely unique new generation water-insulated surface can be created with properties never seen before. With hoses up to 60 m long that can be applied to any geometric shape and configuration surface, the kit allows work in remote architectural areas and hard-to-reach places.
Strong adhesion to any building material, surface;
Self-healing for minor injuries;
Stable resistance to aggressive chemicals and liquids;
High flexibility with memory effect;
Refractory (water based);
High efficiency - a team of three can cover up to 1,000 square meters in an 8-hour shift.
How to apply Profix KR two-component emulsion
Profix KR two-component bitumen-latex emulsion is applied using a special airtight spray device by connecting two high-pressure hoses to a two-channel spray gun. At the outflow ends, there are two nozzles with a conical atomizer, through which the ingredients are sprayed: the bitumen-latex emulsion and the coagulant, which, when mixed in air, even before surface condensation, together form a gel mixture.
The material requirement of the emulsion insulation material depends on the surface area of 3.5 to 5.0 kg / m2, which corresponds to a dry film thickness of 2.5 to 3 mm. The layer thickness can be determined according to the insulation requirements. Mixing ratio of the components: 7: 1 (component A: (bituminous): component B: (solution of water and calcium chloride 10: 1.6)).
Profix KR is a one-component bitumen-latex mastic application method
The application can be applied to the surface in several coats with an Airless piston trowel or even with hand tools (such as a lime brush or roller), observing the drying time between coats. Consumption depends on the surface area of 2.5-3 kg / m2, which corresponds to a dry film thickness of 2 - 2.5 mm.